Monday, December 04, 2006

New paper dismisses human role in global warming

Dallas Blog | Scott Bennett:
“Again, some voices have been raised suggesting that global warming isn't the end of life as we know it that it is cracked up to be.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

The paper by Khilyuk and Chilingar doesn't say global warming is not a serious problem. All it claims is that humans are not the cause of global warming, arguing that the entire energy generated by humans could heat the atmosphere by no more than 0.01°C. And the data presented, while possibly accurate, doesn't even contradict theories of human causation.

Be sure to read the rebuttal, published online by the same journal. The rebuttal by W. Aeschbach-Hertig points out the irrelevance of direct heating, "since no serious scientist ever claimed that global warming is due to direct heating of the atmosphere, but to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect, which the paper does not discuss."

Aeschbach-Hertig concludes:

It is astonishing that the paper of Khilyuk and Chilingar (2006) (as well as Khilyuk and Chilingar 2004, for that matter) could pass the review process of a seemingly serious journal such as Environmental Geology. Such failures of this process, which is supposed to guarantee the quality of published literature, are likely to damage the reputation of this journal.

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