Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Why "Net Neutrality" is a defining issue of our time...

[Ed says Yea] | Doug Bedell:
“While various permutations of ‘Network Neutrality legislation’ continue to bubble through our largely know-nothing, out-of-touch Congresspeople, consumers should view this entire political pageant remembering one thing:
1) Phone and cable companies are going to screw you.
2) The only question is how and when.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Our Congresspeople are not know-nothing or out-of-touch. They just happen to be tuned into the needs of the telecommunications companies instead of consumers. And they are amplifying the phone and cable companies' message with high fidelity. They may be craven, but they are not ignorant.

I think the odds favor Doug Bedell's prediction of a consumer screwing, but it's not a certainty. Last week, a Senate committee rejected a Democratic amendment to communications legislation that would have ensured that all Internet traffic be treated equally. The amendment failed in a 11-11 party line vote. Given that the Democrats have a fighting chance to regain control of the House in the November elections, there is still a slim chance that the big telecommunications companies won't get everything their way... provided consumers bother to inform themselves of the issues. I didn't say it was a good chance. :-(

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