Monday, May 22, 2006

To veto or not to veto

[Ed says Yea] | Tara Ross:
“The President’s broad use of presidential signing statements is problematic [...]. Bush seems to see his signing statements as an alternative to the veto, despite the fact that the Constitution explicitly provides the latter venue as the primary route by which presidents may overrule Congress.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

This is a well-written article explaining the situation and the risks inherent in President Bush's actions. Good writing by Ms Ross.

The balance of powers among the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches is a delicate one. President Bush is shifting that balance, in effect telling Congress he will decide which laws to obey and which laws to ignore. So far, Congress is weakly acquiescing. No cases have yet worked their way through the Courts to find out their opinion on the matter.

If Congress ever stands up for itself, or if the President ever announces that he feels free to disregard judicial opinions, too, the stage will be set for an all-out Constitutional crisis.

Somehow, all this is not what I expected from a conservative President.

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